IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Presentation Award:
Hiroshima Chapter Best Presentation Award will be presented to a young researcher who has made excellent presentation.
To qualify for this award, the upper age limit of the lead author is 35.
The recipient also must be a member of IEEE SMC Society before camera-ready
paper submission. The award winner will be decided by IEEE SMC
Hiroshima Chapter selection committee.
Award Winner
Nishimura (Yokohama National University)
Electrical stimulation of Cortical Mapping from Recorded Awake Surgery Sounds,”
Co-authored with Tomoharu Nagao
IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Student Presentation
IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Student
Presentation Award will be presented to a student who
has made excellent presentation.
For a student to qualify for this award, the
student must be the lead author. The
student also should be a full-time student at the time of presentation
and a student member of IEEE SMC Society
before camera-ready paper submission. The
award winner will be decided by IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter selection
Award Winner
Watanuki (Hiroshima City University)
Processing of Approximate Sequence Matching using Disk-based Suffix Tree on Multi-core CPU,”
Co-authored with Keiichi Tamura, Hajime Kitakami, and Yoshifumi Takahashi
Winners of 2013 IEEE
SMC Hiroshima Chapter Awards