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Camera-Ready Paper Submission

Important Details for Final Camera-Ready Paper Preparation


Papers must be prepared at the highest level of quality for inclusion in the workshop proceedings. All papers must be: written in standard English and prepared in compliance with the paper formatting template. Papers must be prepared using an IEEE IWCIA 2013 formatting template for papers.


[LaTeX format & Microsoft Office Word format]

Download (ZIP format) (*2013/2/28 templates are modfied to A4 Size)


Paper formatting template was modified to A4 paper size on 2013/2/18.

If the authors use an old (LetterSize) template, please re-download new file and replace the old template by new one.


* For LaTeX Users

The authors have only to change the \documentclass option as follows.

Before: \documentclass[conference, letterpaper]{IEEEtran}

After:    \documentclass[conference, a4paper]{IEEEtran}


* For Word Users

Please download the new IEEEIWCIA2013.doc included in the above zip file, and prepare your paper  using the template again.





All authors should revisit the Microsoft Word template to ensure that important paper preparation instructions and conventions are followed (note that they are not specified in the LaTeX template files).


Page Limit: The maximum page limit is 6 inclusive of figures and tables. Please note that IWCIA2013 offers the option to buy up to two extra pages for submission (See the registration site for details).


Review: The review process is single-blind (i.e. author(s) cannot see the reviewers.) All submitted manuscripts are sent to two or more reviewers who evaluate tem for originality, validity, novelty, methodology, correct citation of relevant work, and the importance of content and conclusions. Accepted paper should be proof-read and prepared to the highest IEEE standards taking into the account the reviewers' comments.



Electronic Camera-Ready Paper Submission Instruction


Please read prior to attempting electronic submission of final papers. Papers must be submitted as IEEE PDF eXpress checked PDF files by following the steps below.


Necessary Steps for IWCIA 2013 involve

1. Registration for the workshop!

2. Checking PDF file compliance using IEEE PDF eXpress™!

3. Uploading the IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDF file!

4. Completing an electronic IEEE Copyright Form!




For any accepted paper to be submitted for publication in the workshop proceedings and scheduled for presentation at the workshop, at least one author must register and pay the appropriate fee(s). If an author registration for your paper has not been completed yet, please REGISTER before proceeding further. When registration is completed, proceed to step 2.

Go to Registration Site



PDF compliance check

IEEE PDF eXpress™ is a free service allowing authors to convert their final papers into IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDF files (Conversion function) OR to check PDF files, that authors have made themselves, for IEEE Xplore® compatibility (PDF Check function).

I. Go to:

II. Log in with the 'Conference ID' as 'iwcia13wkx', and with your personal login information.


Please see the following link to see more information about PDF eXpress™.

Instructions on PDF eXpress


Proceed to the next step only if your paper has passed the PDF Check and has associated paid registration fee(s). Otherwise, please complete all steps above before proceeding.



Upload paper:

Have the IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDF file for your paper ready. Then go to the submission site by clicking the following link:

IWCIA2013 Camera-Ready Paper Submission Site (1st stage)


Submitting a paper via system consists of 2 steps.

[1st step] Fill in the form on the Camera-Ready Paper Submission Site and upload your IEEE Xplore-compatible camera-ready paper file. The system will send the E-mail to your E-mail address.


[2nd step] Click URL on the E-mail and go the submission form. Register the detailed information.


Once you have all the information filled in, click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. If all information successfully submitted, you will see the confirmation message.



Electronic Copyright Submission:

In order for your paper to be published with IEEE, you need to fill out an electronic copyright form. Please go to the electronic copyright submission site by clicking the following link:

Electronic Copyright Submission Site



 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter @ 2013